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How soon do I get my funds?
After confirming your repayment option and signing your final loan contract you can generally expect funds in your account specified in 1-2 business days.
What Documents are acceptable for the application?
Application documents vary based on employer and applicant. The most common documents needed are 2 most recent paystubs, a hire date documents, and a government issued identity.
How do I apply for a loan?
Visit our webiste and click "Get Started" to create your profile and begin your application.
What if I do not see my employer listed?
You can submit a New Employer Request on our website. The VIVA team will notfiy you via email if we are able to add your employer to our offerings.
If I payoff my loan, can I apply for a new loan?
Once the final payment for your current loan processes you will be able to begin a new application and prequalification against our most recent requirments for a loan.
Does VIVA report payments to the credit bureaus?
Yes! VIVA reports payments to all 3 credit bureaus. On-time payments can help build your credit score over time.
What are "Micro-Deposits"?
Micro Deposits are sent in the "Manual Verification" step of a VIVA application. They are two amounts of less than .10 cents. They will arrive in your specified bank account in 1-2 business days for you to confirm within your application.
Can I refinance my loan?
VIVA allows select customers to refinance their loan after 12 months. Your loan must be current, and payments must be made through payroll, in order for your loan to be eligible for refinance.
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